These are the most frequently used knots on hooks
The diagrams show step by step how to tie these knots.
Clinch Knot
1.Pass the line through the eye of the hook swivel.
2.Double back. make five turns around the line.
3.Pass the end of the line through the first loop, above the eye, and then through the large loop. Draw the knot into shape.
4.Slide the coils down tight against the eye.
The Palomar Knot
The Palomar Knot is another very simple knot for terminal tackle. It is regarded by fisherman as the strongest knot known. It's great virtue is that it can safely be tied at night with a minimum of practice.
1.Double about 6 inches of line, and pass through the eye.
2.Tie a simple Overhand Knot in the doubled line, letting the hook hang loose. Avoid twisting the lines.
3.Pull the end of loop down, passing it completely over the hook.
4.Pull both ends of the line to draw up the knot.